About KAO
Kasuya Architects’ Office (KAO) (Tokyo Metropolitan Governor Registration No. 51058) is an architectural design office that was established in Tokyo in 2002. Since 2005, it has operated under the partnership of Atsushi and Naoko Kasuya. KAO conducts design and research in the fields of architecture, interior design and landscape design. And, starting with the living environment, KAO has gradually expanded its scope of activities.
At KAO, we believe our work as architectural designers is none other than to “tune” the unlimited number of features present in any single building – from its purpose to the client’s personality, the qualities of the site and the various regulations that would apply – into a space that is both unique and universal. The buildings that we have designed all exhibit a different quality of uniqueness. At the same time, all of our details are functional in the wide sense of the word and the interconnected spaces that we design are more “places” as opposed to simple “rooms.” This is the formal result of our design process and approaches towards each building’s unique features.
STAFF (* 元所員 | *Former Staff)
平木 かおる | HIRAKI, Kaoru
古橋 一真* | FURUHASHI, Kazuma*
加藤 裕子* | KATO, Hiroko*
村田 裕紀* | MURATA, Yuki*
菊地 臨* | KIKUCHI, Nozomu*
ビンゴ | Bingo
Who is Bingo?
All images in this website are used with permission from the photographers Masaya Yoshimura, Koichi Torimura, Kim Yongkwan, Kazumasa Dobashi, Katsuya Goseki, Makoto Yoshida, Ken Shimizu, Kozo Takayama, Satoshi Asakawa, Area Park & KAO / KAL.
Translation from Japanese to English: Riyo Namigata(hUb)